
1st May 2014 - Brains!

As the Elfins arrived we played a game of Touch Tag to warm up. We had a new Elfin this week called Aliya. In circle time everyone shared their news. Ya'arah had got not one, not two but THREE new pairs of shoes on one day (this beats even Julie's record). Magdalene and Aliya had entered the Windmill Bake-off and Louis had helped his dad wash the dog. Ellie has a new pet, a hamster called Candyfloss. 

Then Ellie's mum Heidi led a session on brains. The children already knew quite a lot about brains - that they help us move, and tells us to breathe and eat. There are different areas of the brain for speaking, moving and seeing. The left hand side of your brain controls the right side (and vice versa). We learnt that brain cells are called neurons.  The children then guessed how many neurons an average person has. Max was closest to the right answer of 85 billion. Apparently, children have more brain cells than adults! Heidi then read out a short story while the Elfins pretended to be different types of neurons which got active when the main character saw, heard, touched or felt.

We then made neurons from clay and brain hats.

The session finished with some singing, with Mike accompanying on his guitar.

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